

President Flora Chang, as a chairman of the
Chinese Excellent Management Association,
led a group to Bangkok, Thailand. The group
intended to give a boost to development in
inter-industrial information and management.
Among the participant industries, Namchow
Co., a Thailand-based, Tamkang alumni-owned
company, displayed its contents and results of
multi-faceted development. Besides, to go on
the trend of Industry 4.0, Cal-Comp Electronics
& Communications Co. adopted a strategy
of International Management and Global Collaboration
that increased units of manufacturing
facilities at home and abroad, and involved
systematic, instantaneous management APP.
All efforts devoted to this visit had its origin
both in the visits of Founder Clement C. P. Chang
to Thailand 20 years ago and Tai Wan-Chin,
vice president for international affairs, to Bangkok
University (a partner institute of Tamkang).
President Chang’s visit intended to have this momentum
furthered and in particular to have it respond
to the New Southbound Policy of the ROC
Government. Furthermore, Tamkang Secretary-
General He Qi-dong elaborated, “Chulalongkorn
University has four major research fields that
deserve our attention. They are Aging Society,
Inclusive Community & Smart City, Sustainable
Development, and Digital Economy & Robotics.
All these set up an ideal role model for globalization
and localization at Tamkang.” (Wu Yue-Feng)
T a m k a n g A l u m n i G l o w i n T h a i l a n d
(Photo contributed by Tamkang Times)
1 0 6 – 1 – 3 G i l l Z h o u , V i c e P r e s i d e n t o f I B M ’ s G r e a t C h i n a
G r o u p : S e i z e T h r e e K e y s t o C a r e e r T h a t B e l o n g s O n l y t o Yo u
TKU Intelligent Control Laboratory
(I. C. Lab) attended the MOE-sponsored
2017 International Competition on
Intelligent Humanoid Robotics on
September 20th and 21st. In the robotics
contest, Tamkang competed with nine
other teams and won two golds, one
silver and two bronzes. TKU Team 1 had
two golds in Sprint and Weight Lifting,
and one silver in All Round and TKU
Team 2 two bronzes in Spartan Race and
Marathon. Elaborating on the essence of
TKU’s participation, Team Captain Yu
Ke-han, double E major, said, “This is a
launching pad. International Competition
on Intelligent Humanoid Robotics is
really a great arena for robotics research.
Different from our previous operation
system, the team has overcome barriers
and one another. The efforts devoted into
robotics make Tamkang robotics visible
to international society.” (Wu Yue-Feng)
i n I n t e l l i g e n t H u m a n o i d R o b o t i c s
(Photo contributed by Tamkang Times)
(Photo contributed by Tamkang Times)
Vice President of IBM’s Great China Group
and Chief Marketing Officer, Gill Zhou, came
for a visit to Tamkang campus on September
26 and gave a speech in Carrie Chang Music
Hall. In her speech, which was entitled, “How
to pursue a career life that belongs only to
you,” Gill Zhou proposed three crucial keys to
career, “Self and Non-self, Change and Nonchange,
Skills and Super-skills,” emphasizing
that the abilities to cross boundaries and to
embrace diversity are highly regarded in today’s
workplace. In the Q&A session full of interaction,
she encouraged students to pursue their dreams,
“no imagination of the future is far-fetched.”
In this issue, the summary of Zhou’s speech is
posted as follows to give readers food for thought.
N o n – s e l f a n d S e l f : n o t t o i n g r a t i a t e
y o u r s e l f , b u t t o f i t i n w i t h o t h e r s
No matter what kind of job you have, do not be
self-centered. If you work in a business company,
keep it in mind that you are part of the company.
You have to understand your supervisor’s ideas,
and this does not mean you have to ingratiate
yourself with others, implying dependence on
others or establishing yourself in the favor or
good graces of others. Instead, you have to fit
in with others, which suggests your work is
based on professionalism. With opportunities
offered, you have to seize opportunities to do
your best. Be confident and express yourself
clearly, so that your talents will be seen. In this
situation, your self cannot cancel itself out.
C h a n g e a n d N o n – c h a n g e : To
p r o m p t l y p e r c e i v e c h a n g e s
Steve Jobs, the late CEO of Apple, used to
promote small and lightweight cell phones, but
the current CEO Tim Cook successively launched
iphone8 and iphone X, featuring big screens.
It was said that Tim Cook betrayed Steve Jobs.
But in my view, it was not betrayal but continual
changes. Apple is always pursuing to change the
world, isn’t it? Marketing, technology, customers,
and the whole environment are changing every
second. Unexpected change is a common thing.
For this reason, everyone has to be a boat upon
entering the workplace, promptly perceive the
changing wind and accordingly sail the boat with
the wind. IBM’s Watson System is so far the
most powerful cognitive computing system, and
after close observation, our marketing strategy
of business to person is designated and based on
its unique feature. Watson can file a lawsuit and
compose a Tang poem or a song. To show Watson
to the world, we adopt a creative and innovative
marketing strategy. (Chiou-Rung Deng)
TKU I. C. Laboratory Earns a Good Reputation 1 0 6 – 1 – 4 T h u m b – u p S u p p l y :
Program of Teaching Chinese in Foreign Languages
To motivate students with foreign language skills to join the
field of Chinese teaching, “Program of Teaching Chinese in Foreign
Languages” has been designed by the joint efforts of English
Department, Spanish Department, French Department, German
Department, Japanese Department, Russian Department, Department
of Chinese Literature, and Department of Educational Technology.
With grades above 70% in the previous semester, both
undergraduate and graduate students can apply for this program.
The curricula for this program includes 6 credits of required common
courses, 6 credits of required professional courses, and 8
credits of selective professional courses, with a total of 20 credits.
As students complete at least 20 credits of courses, among
which at least 9 credits of courses are beyond the fi eld of students’
major, and pass exams, a certificate will be issued. For more information
on how to apply, please contact the office of the College
of Foreign Languages and Literatures. (Chiou-Rung Deng)
Tamkang News Nov 17, 2017
T a m k a n g ’ s P o p u l a r S c i e n c e s T r a n s f o r m C h e m i s t r y E d u c a t i o n
T a m k a n g S t u d e n t s G o o n
S e n i o r Y e a r A b r o a d P r o g r a m
Tamkang signed a scientifi c education memorandum of understanding
with Merck Taiwan on July 31st. Through university and industry
cooperation, Tamkang and Merck will collaborate and improve scientific
education in remote areas of Taiwan. Xie Zhi-hong, president of Merck,
expressed his gratitude toward the collaboration and agreed with Tamkang’s
concept of Chemistry Vehicle, which brought chemistry education close to
children in remote areas. Xie said, “Direct subsidies for three straight years
will be granted and resources in manpower and raw materials as well,” and
“Out of our philosophy of industry, Creativity comes from curiosity, another
vehicle will be subsidized for the wellbeing of children.”
In response to the long-term financial support of Merck and alumni,
President Flora Chia-I Chang said gratefully, “Chemistry Vehicle originated
in 2011, which was the International Year of Chemistry. Tamkang has
performed over 350 events of chemical popular science in remote areas,”
and she emphasized, “Chemistry Vehicle has three remarkable points: fi rst,
support for education in popular sciences; second, realization in university
social responsibility; third, in-depth collaboration between industry,
government and university. All these three will transform education from
within and without.” (Wu Yue-Feng)
See you again a year later. Tamkang
International Offi ce held the 106th academic
year flag-presentation ceremony for the
Senior Year Abroad Program. President Flora
Chia-I Chang presided over the ceremony
and it was attended by Deputy Director Ms.
Charmaine Stanley, the Canadian Trade
Office in Taipei (CTOT); Commissioner
Ms. Anne-Laure Vincent, French Office in
Taipei; Commissioner Mr. Miguel De Felipe
Tena, Spaish Chamber of Commerce; and
Japanese Language Specialist Ms. Fujishima
Yukiyo, Japan-Taiwan Exchange Association.
In the ceremony the international VIPs
and Tamkang top echelon administrators
gave a wholehearted blessing for the 597
students and wished them good luck in 102
universities located in 19 foreign countries.
In the ceremony speech given to the
exchange students, President Chang
encouraged them, saying “Build up both
in language competence and language
profundity. Make up the gap in between
cultures. By doing this, hope you come
back with all-around value.” The ceremony
also invited exchange students of the
105th academic year to give talks about
their experiences abroad. On her way to
Ritsumeikan University, Qiu Zi-xuan,
Department of Diplomacy and International
Relations, opened herself up, saying,
“Globalization makes foreign language
ability and international views from being an
advantage into basic skills. This is nothing
more than a beginning. There is a long way
to go. Let’s go for it.” (Wu Yue-Feng)
Ta m k a n g G r a d u a t e s L a u n c h t o w a r d N e w L i v e s
The temperature went up along with the blooming of fl ame trees dotted
on Tamkang campus. Summer again. It was also the time when students
were on the way to graduate. Exactly, university commencement. The
Tamkang commencement of the 105th academic year was held on June
10th in Shao-mo Memorial Gymnasium. There were 7,200 graduates,
among which there were 469 foreign students from 33 countries. The
commencement was a beginning from which graduates launched toward
their future.
Before the commencement ceremony was a Tamsui campus roundabout
excursion. President Flora Chia-I Chang, along with the three vice presidents
and all the graduates, took this roundabout excursion. Presided by President
Chang, the commencement also invited former Tamkang presidents, Alumni
Association presidents, an ambassador and congressman of the Marshal
Islands, and many other international VIPs. In the ceremony, awards were
given to graduates who excelled in academic research, conduct, service
and athletics. Moreover, President Chang commended six outstanding
professors whose unconditional devotion to education really fascinated
everyone. Following the award ceremony was the Tamkang School Anthem
and Song of Farewell. The songs signifi ed the ending of days at school and
commencement of new life. (Wu Yue-Feng)
(Photo contributed by Tamkang Times)
(Photo contributed by Tamkang Times)
(Photo contributed by Tamkang Times)
106-1-2 Miguel Tsao, TKU Alumnus,
serves as Representative of the Offi ce
of Economy and Culture in Peru
Assuming office on August 14, Miguel Tsao, TKU’s
Alumnus of the Graduate Institute of European Studies,
serves as the representative of the Office of Economy
and Culture of Taipei in Peru. Miguel Tsao has abundant
professional experience in diplomacy, including Director
of Protocol Section of Protocol Department, Embassy
Counselor in Costa Rica, Vice Director of Protocol
Department of Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Director
of Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Miami,
Ambassador of Republic of China in Saint Christopher and
Nevis, and Director of the Department of Latin American
and Caribbean Affairs of Ministry of Foreign Affairs. With
his responsibility as ambassador to Panama ending in June,
Miguel Tsao was soon assigned to a new post. As Tsao
pointed out, “Since there is no offi cial diplomatic relation
between Taiwan and Peru, there is still a lot of room to
strengthen the cooperation between the two countries in
terms of tourism as well as information and communication
technology. As a diplomatic professional at the forefront, I
would go all out for the battle as long as the chance offers
itself.” (Chiou-Rung Deng)
Chen Jin-cai, alumnus of Department of
Accounting, was awarded with the Special
Contribution Award at the 2017 Spring Banquet
out of his selflessness and sponsorship in
education, scholarship and academic research.
As Director-general and President of the board
at Win Semiconductors Co., Chen has laid
a solid foundation for Win to be a leading
manufacturer in global gallium arsenide wafers
and was awarded with EY Entrepreneur of
the Year 2015. Even though in his 70s, he still
devotes his full efforts in his field. He always
says, “Every day is the stepping stone of
tomorrow. Grow up strong, or you lose ground.”
Specialized in the composition and application
of gallium arsenide, Chen considers himself
a trail blazer whose primary work is to get rid
of barriers that hinder every single employee
of the industry and create lubricant that makes
the industry go on smoothly without backlash.
In short, he is responsible for development and
research, and eyes on the technological trend.
With insistence on independent techniques,
Chen moves on in optimistic spirit, saying, “I
am making responsibility and team efforts the
core value of the industrial culture. Precision and
synergy will make the industry a globe trotter.”
As renowned as he is, Chen shows gratitude
for Tamkang and sets up foundations in the hope
of subsidizing accounting academic research
and scholarship. He also returns to Tamkang and
shares his experience in the industry in the hope of
inspiring students. He often says, “Don’t make the
value of your diploma depreciate. The top priority
of yours in university is to develop professionalism
and the momentum to realize your own idea.
Your dream is in vain if it is not realized. I find
most young people concern themselves about
nothing but having their own business and eyeing
a quick profit. However, it is in vain if not with
realization and professionalism.” (Wu Yue-Feng)
Tamkang News Nov 17, 2017
P a s s t h e M o m e n t u m o n , S c h o l a r s h i p R e c i p i e n t s !
The English Department held a scholarship
awards ceremony in Ching-sheng International
Conference Hall on June 5th. The scholarships
were issued to 41 recipients by Chen Xiao-que,
Dean of Foreign Languages and Literatures;
Huang Yong-yu, Chairman of the English
Department; and Hou Deng-jian, President of
Kojen English School. In the ceremony, Dean
Chen expressed her gratitude to committee
members, saying, “You are our greatest assets. You
are our momentum. Without you, we will advance
nowhere, but spin around,” and Chairman Huang
expressed his wish to the scholarship recipients,
saying, “Pass on this momentum all around you.”
Having benefi ted from the equipment and facilities
of the English Department and feeling grateful,
Gao Guo-pei, English Department, said, “This is
glory. I will never ever forget what I have learned
and experienced at Tamkang.” (Wu Yue-Feng)
Chen Jin-cai, Entrepreneur of the Year, Encourages Students to Polish Professionalism
T h e F o u r t h W a v e T r a n s f o r m s T a m k a n g
Tamkang’s fourth wave is the period of 2005~2017. In this period of
time, Lanyang Campus was founded and Tamkang began its fourth wave
in the time of Lanyang’s fi rst student recruitment. From then on, Tamkang
developed into four campuses: Tamsui, Taipei, Lanyang and Cyber. Smart
management in these resources made Tamkang’s potential develop fourfold
both in academic fi elds and in cultural and historical assets.
Founder Clement C. P. Chang made a clear statement in 2005 Teaching
& Administration Reformatory Symposium, saying, “The Fourth Wave is
characterized by a discrete era that makes it indispensable to expand history,
tradition and culture along with thinking, innovation and breakthroughs.
By doing this, Tamkang will be a hallmark that has its signature style and
ultimately will become pillars and foundation of a nation.”
In response to the highly competitive market of higher education,
Tamkang adopted an inclusive, innovative strategy along with scholars,
bureaucrats, politicians and industry leaders. Its essence was to rejuvenate
education, administration and management teams, and further to collaborate
with international academic partner institutes. All these efforts made
Tamkang’s international interaction strategy, a Blue Ocean Strategy,
possible, which was an optimal synergy in cooperation, resources, benign
competition and win-win situations.
Based on the latest research results of 2017 Webometrics Rankings of
World Universities (WRWU), Tamkang ranked 394th globally, 39th in Asia,
and 6th nationwide, top all the private-run universities and fi rst of its type
coming in top 400 in Taiwan. This was Tamkang’s best performance in
the past fi ve years. Furthermore, according to the research results of 2017
Industries’ Favorite University Graduates done by Cheers, a Taiwan-based
magazine, Tamkang ranked 9th nationwide, top 1 in 20 straight years. The
research analysis indicated that pliability and multi-faceted management in
higher education made Tamkang a favorite of industries.
In an interview with President Flora Chia-I Chang, she expressed her
hope, saying that ever since 1950 Tamkang has laid its foundation in
Globalization, Computerization and Futurization, and further developed into
eight colleges, 2,700 students and 1,400 faculty and staff members among
four campuses. This year, the Shou-qian International Conference Center
is going to be fully constructed, which signifi es the beginning of the Fifth
Wave. Its features will be designed in collaborated efforts of both teachers
and students in the hope of inviting international, prestigious scholars
and experts to Tamkang and further developing life-long education and
realization of the spirit in Tamkang’s DNA. (Wu Yue-Feng)
(Photo contributed by Tamkang Times)
(Photo contributed by Tamkang Times)
(Photo contributed by Tamkang Times)
Tamkang News Nov 17, 2017
Tamkang Initiates Industry-University Cooperation with IBM and Teco Restaurants
Ta m k a n g P a s s e s t h e M O E ’ s
E v a l u a t i o n o n U n i v e r s i t i e s
The current Vice Minister of
Foreign Affairs, also an alumnus of
the Spanish Department, José María
Liu, paid a visit to President Flora
Chia-I Chang on September 18. Those
who joined the meeting included Vice
President for International Affairs, Dr.
Wan-chin Tai; Dean of the College of
Foreign Languages and Literatures,
Prof. Lucy Chen; Dean of the College
of International Studies, Prof. Kaochen
Wang; and Chair of Graduate Institute
of Latin American Studies, Prof.
Emilio Kwo-wei Kung, all having
an enjoyable talk. According to Prof.
Lucy Chen, “José María Liu, who
used to be the ambassador in Paraguay
and Panama, is one of the outstanding
alumni of the Spanish Department. In
today’s talk, he is invited by President
Chang to share his experience and
achievements with students. We also
look forward to some cooperation in
the future.”
Graduating from the Department of
Spanish in 1980, José María Liu has
acquired professional qualifications
and experience in the field of foreign
affairs, including important positions
in Spain and Honduras. Interviewed by
Tamkang Times in October 2011 (No.
838), Liu expressed his gratitude to
Tamkang University, his alma mater,
and shared with students his experience
in diplomatic services. In particular,
he mentioned that extracurricular
experience helped to lay the foundation
for his work as the Director of
Department of Protocol. (Chiou-Rung
Tamkang has had around 250,000 alumni
home and abroad since the buildup 66 years
ago. They have relevant achievements in their
fields. In gratitude toward Tamkang, the alumni
and their industries launched industry-university
cooperation and deem it a practical conduct for
Tamkang to gain ground in this competitive
society. A good example is that in April,
2017, IBM Taiwan initiated Watson Artificial
Intelligence Project, collaborating with Tamkang
in the hope of consolidating professionalism
in AI and its market share. Another example is
that in 2016 Teco Restaurants initiated Catering
Service Program and Tourism Industry Program
at Tamkang with its subsidiary companies: Mos
Burger, Royal Host and Fujio Food in the hope
of bridging the gap in theories and practices. Still
another example is that Media Tek Co. organized
a science camp for high school students with
Tamkang’s assistance for broadening their
horizons in information technology. (Wu Yue-
The Higher Education and Accreditation Council commissioned
by the Ministry of Education (MOE) showed the 105th academic year
results of evaluation on universities in June. Among the 28 universities,
there were 24 that passed all the eight evaluative items including
Tamkang. Elaborating on the strategy of Tamkang in evaluation, Chief
Audit Executive Bai Di-qing said, “Tamkang has carried out an internal
evaluation, in the perspective of Total Quality Management and
continuous improvement, prior to that of the Council commissioned by
the MOE. The optimal result comes from unselfi sh devotion to integral
administration and management.”
The eight evaluative items involved Student Recruitment by
Recommendation, Private University Administration & Planning,
Campus Environment Monitoring and Execution, Intellectual
Properties and Information Security, E-learning, Consultation for the
Disabled, Students’ Affairs and Consultation, and Sex Equality. In
response to the evaluative report that indicated the commissioners had
positive comments on Tamkang, Chief Audit Executive Bai mapped out
the blueprint for Tamkang, saying, “All the present efforts in carbon
reduction, ISO certification, consultation for the underprivileged,
sexual equality and wholesome budget mechanisms contribute to the
optimal results. Building upon these, Tamkang will be gaining ground.”
(Wu Yue-Feng)
(Photo contributed by Tamkang Times) (Photo contributed by Tamkang Times)
(Photo contributed by Tamkang Times)
106-1-1 José María Liu, Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs
and an Alumnus of TKU, Paid a Visit to President Chang
W R W U I n d i c a t e s T a m k a n g T o p s
Webometrics Rankings of World Universities (WRWU), undertaken
by Cybermetrics Lab of Spanish National Research Committee, has
been issuing biannual report results on higher education institutes since
2004. The rankings are renewed every January and July. According to
the latest research result by WRWU, Tamkang ranks 596th globally,
115th in Asia, 8th nationwide, and number one among the privaterun
universities of Taiwan. Among all the indicators, Tamkang ranks
93rd in Presence, 213th in Impact, 1,066th in Openness and 1,170th in
Excellence. (Wu Yue-Feng)
A l l t h e P r i v a t e – r u n
U n i v e r s i t i e s i n Ta i w a n

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